Abolghasem Kezemi, Zahra Kazemi, Mohammad Amin Pourmohammadi: Combined bio-methanol and power production from bio-oil: Proposing a clean bio-process through waste heat recovery and environmental optimization: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,(2024-201)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Masoud Beheshti: Novel heat pump assisted distillation configurations for energy and economic savings and their application on propylene/propane and I-butane/N-butane separation systems: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,(2024-295)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Jovita Moreno, Diego Iribarren: Economic optimization and comparative environmental assessment of natural gas combined cycle power plants with CO2 capture: ENERGY,(2023-277)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Jovita Moreno, Diego Iribarren: Techno-economic comparison of optimized natural gas combined cycle power plants with CO2 capture: ENERGY,(2022-255)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Masoud Beheshti: Recently developed heat pump assisted distillation configurations: A comparative study: APPLIED ENERGY,(2018-211)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Masoud Beheshti: Evaluation of various heat pump assisted direct, indirect, Petlyuk and side stripper sequences for three-product separations: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,(2018-181)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Masoud Beheshti: Development of a novel processing system for efficient sour water stripping: ENERGY,(2017-125)
Abolghasem Kezemi, Masoud Beheshti, Reza Khalili: Influence of recycle streams of C5/C6 and C4 hydrocarbon cuts on the performance of methanol to propylene (PVM) reactors: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,(2017-172)
ابوالقاسم كاظمي, Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad, Beheshti Masoud : يك روش جديد بهينه سازي محيطي پيشنهادي براي جداسازي پروپيلن/پروپان: با هدف تميزترين سيستم تقطير ممكن : بيست و دومين كنگره بين المللي شيمي انجمن شيمي ايران : ايران-1403/02/24