- Maryam Hasani, Samaneh Hamedi, hamed dehdashti jahromi: Experimental and theoretical analysis of a Visible-Light photodetector based on cadmium sulfide fabricated on interdigitated electrodes: Results in Physics,(2024-56)
- Samaneh Hamedi, hamed dehdashti jahromi, Ahmad Lotfiani: Artificial intelligence-aided nanoplasmonic biosensor modeling: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,(2023-118)
- Alireza Moazzeni, Hadi Riyahimadvar, Samaneh Hamedi, Zoheir Kordrostami: Fabrication of Graphene Oxide-Based Resistive Switching Memory by the Spray Pyrolysis Technique for Neuromorphic Computing: ACS Applied Nano Materials,(2023-6)
- Fatemeh Baraty, Samaneh Hamedi: Label-Free Cancer Cell Biosensor Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator: Results in Physics,(2023-46)
- Masume Monfareddehbali, Milad Farahmandpoor, Samaneh Hamedi, Zoheir Kordrostami: Development of a portable smart Glucometer with two electrode bio?electronic test strip patch based on Cu/Au/rGO/PEDOT:PSS: Scientific Reports,(2023-2023)
- Ahmad Lotfiani, hamed dehdashti jahromi, Samaneh Hamedi: Monolithic silicon-based photovoltaic-nanoplasmonic biosensor with enhanced limit of detection and minimum detectable power: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,(2022-40)
- Alireza Moazzeni, Samaneh Hamedi, Zoheir Kordrostami: Switching Characteristic of Fabricated Nonvolatile Bipolar Resistive Switching Memory (ReRAM) using PEDOT: PSS/GO: SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS,(2022-188)
- Mahsa Seifi, Samaneh Hamedi, Zoheir Kordrostami: Fabrication of a high-sensitive wearable temperature sensor with an improved response time based on PEDOT:PSS/rGO on a flexible kapton substrate: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS,(2022-33)
- Hamid Saheban, Zoheir Kordrostami, Samaneh Hamedi: A multi-objective optimization of sensitivity and bandwidth of a 3-D MEMS bionic vector hydrophone: ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,(2022-110)
- Fatemeh Baraty, Samaneh Hamedi: Design of a 2D photonic crystal biosensor using X-shape ring resonator based on Graphene Oxide (GO) for detection of blood components: JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS,(2022-36)
- Samaneh Hamedi, hamed dehdashti jahromi: Performance analysis of all-optical logical gate using artificial neural network: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,(2021-178)
- Hamed Dehdashti jahromi, Samaneh Hamedi: Artificial intelligence approach for calculating electronic and optical properties of nanocomposites: MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,(2021-141)
- Amin Ghasemi Nejad Raeini, Zoheir Kordrostami, Samaneh Hamedi: Coupled NEGF-PSO method for maximizing the current ratio of CNTFETs based on oxide thickness optimization: Journal of Computational Electronics,(2021-20)
- Majid Zamani Dorcheh, Zoheir Kordrostami, Samaneh Hamedi: Efficient Inclined Core-Shell Nanowire Solar Cells: OPTIK,(2021-248)
- Samaneh Hamedi, Roozbeh Negahdari, Hamid Reza Ansari: Design Plasmonic Optical 4?×?2 Encoder Based on 2D Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator: Plasmonics,(2021-1)
- Hadi Riyahimadvar, Zoheir Kordrostami, Samaneh Hamedi: Fabrication of Room Temperature Resistive Ethanol Gas Sensor Based on ZnO Nanorods Decorated with PbS Nanoparticles: Journal of Nano Research,(2020-65)
- Samaneh Hamedi, Zoheir Kordrostami, Ali Yadollahi: Artificial neural network approaches for modeling absorption spectrum of nanowire solar cells: NEURAL COMPUTING and APPLICATIONS,(2019-31)
- Zoheir Kordrostami, Samaneh Hamedi, fatemeh khalifeh: Design of High Frequency Single and Double Gate LaterallyContacted InGaAs/InAlAs HEMTs: Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Innovations (JECEI),(2019-7)
- Samaneh Hamedi, A. Gharavi: Effect of heat treatment on optical properties of crosslinkable Azo Chromophore doped in poly amic acid: Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications,(2015-10)
- سمانه حامدي, حامد دهدشتي جهرمي: مدلسازي عملكرد دروازه منطقي OR انحصاري سه ورودي به كمك شبكه عصبي: مدلسازي در مهندسي,(1401-20)
- سميه عليزاده, سمانه حامدي, احسان زارعيان جهرمي: طراحي حسگر بلورفوتوني دوكاناله براي تشخيص مواد منفجزه: نشريه فناوري اطلاعات و ارتباطات انتظامي (فاوا),(1399-1)