- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat, Hadiseh Nasari: A comprehensive review on hybrid plasmonic waveguides: Structures, applications, challenges, and future perspectives: Nanotechnology Reviews,(2025-14)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat: Enhancing wireless on-chip links: Theoretical insights into metal placement in hybrid plasmonic waveguide-fed nanoantennas: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2025-582)
- Fatemeh Khakpour, Najmeh Nozhat: Enhanced high-harmonic generation in a polarization-insensitive all-dielectric metasurface exploiting dual-Fano resonance: Optical Materials Express,(2024-14)
- Saman Heidari, Najmeh Nozhat: Broadband tunable multi-functional polarization converter based on a graphene metasurface: OPTICS EXPRESS,(2024-32)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Najmeh Nozhat, Mohsen Khalily: Controllable hybrid plasmonic integrated circuit: Scientific Reports,(2023-13)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Najmeh Nozhat, Mohsen Khalily: Hybrid plasmonic rhombic nano-antenna with a dielectric director: Optical Materials Express,(2023-13)
- Aria Zarei Zadeh, Najmeh Nozhat: GST plasmonic gap structure investigation as a switch and sensor: APPLIED OPTICS,(2023-62)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri: Theoretical analysis of a graphene quantum well hybrid plasmonic waveguide to design an inter/intra-chip nano-antenna: CARBON,(2022-189)
- Saman Heidari, Najmeh Nozhat: Graphene-based triple-band switch with circuit model method in far-infrared region: OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,(2022-54)
- Saman Heidari, Najmeh Nozhat: Wideband polarization-independent plasmonic switch based on GST phase-change material: APPLIED OPTICS,(2022-61)
- Saman Heidari, Najmeh Nozhat: Plasmonic wideband GST-based switch in the near-infrared region: IET Optoelectronics,(2022-16)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat: Theoretical Analysis of a Super-Mode Waveguide and Design of a Complementary Triangular Hybrid Plasmonic Nano-Antenna: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,(2021-27)
- Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Najmeh Nozhat, Maryam Khodadadi: Dynamic beam-steering of graphene-based terahertz cross Yagi-Uda antenna with a theoretical approach: Journal of Optics,(2021-23)
- Fatemeh Baran Zadeh, Najmeh Nozhat: High Performance Plasmonic Nano-Biosensor Based on Tunable Ultra-Narrowband Perfect Absorber Utilizing Liquid Crystal: Plasmonics,(2021-16)
- Nasrollah Karampour, Najmeh Nozhat: Ultrafast all-optical metamaterial terahertz switch by exploiting nanoparticle-enriched substrate nonlinearity and graphene resonators: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,(2021-38)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Maryam Khodadadi: Wideband Graphene-Based Fractal Absorber and its Applications as Switch and Inverter: Plasmonics,(2021-16)
- Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Najmeh Nozhat: Smart optical cross dipole nanoantenna with multibeam pattern: Scientific Reports,(2021-11)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri: Analytic approach to study a hybrid plasmonic waveguide-fed and numerically design a nano-antenna based on the new director: OPTICS EXPRESS,(2020-28)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri: A high gain and wideband on-chip hybrid plasmonic V-shaped nano-antenna: Journal of Optics,(2020-22)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Sensing and switching capabilities of a tunable GST-based perfect absorber in near-infrared region: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS,(2020-53)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Multi-band MIM refractive index biosensor based on Ag-air grating with equivalent circuit and T-matrix methods in near-infrared region: Scientific Reports,(2020-10)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Sensing and switching capabilities of a graphene-based perfect dual-band metamaterial absorber with analytical methods: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,(2020-37)
- Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat: Theoretical analysis of ultra-fast multi-wavelength switch containing Kerr nonlinear material and its application as simultaneous AND and NOR logic gates: APPLIED OPTICS,(2020-59)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Najmeh Nozhat: Theoretical Analysis of a Simultaneous Graphene-based Circular Plasmonic Refractive Index and Thickness Bio-sensor: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,(2020-20)
- Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat, Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri: Theoretical analysis of a circular hybrid plasmonic waveguide to design a hybrid plasmonic nano-antenna: Scientific Reports,(2020-10)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Analytical Methods of Equivalent Circuit Model and Transmission Matrix for a Plasmonic Switch with Sensing Capability in Near-Infrared Region: Plasmonics,(2020-15)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Reza Rashiditabar: A strong controllable absorber using graphene-metal nanostructure: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS,(2019-66)
- Fatemeh Baran Zadeh, Najmeh Nozhat: Tunable metasurface refractive index plasmonic nano-sensor utilizing an ITO thin layer in the near-infrared region: APPLIED OPTICS,(2019-58)
- Zahra Nasehi, Najmeh Nozhat: Liquid crystal based tunable plasmonic subtractive color filters: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2019-445)
- Reza Rashiditabar, Najmeh Nozhat: Narrow and wide band tunable absorbers based on gold squares dispersed in liquid crystal: OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,(2019-51)
- Seyed mohammad mehdi Moshiri, Maryam Khodadadi, Najmeh Nozhat: Compact and wideband bandpass filters with analysis of the CRLH-TL characteristics based on stepped impedance resonator: AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS,(2019-108)
- Nahid Khalili Palandi, Najmeh Nozhat, Raheleh Basiri: Design and fabrication of small and low profile microstrip monopole antenna using CRLH-TL structures: JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS,(2019-33)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Design, Theory, and Circuit Model of Wideband, Tunable and Polarization-Insensitive Terahertz Absorber Based on Graphene: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,(2019-18)
- Mohamad Nejat, Najmeh Nozhat: Ultrasensitive THz Refractive Index Sensor Based on a Controllable Perfect MTM Absorber: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,(2019-19)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Maryam Khodadadi: All-optical simultaneous AND XOR logic gates based on nonlinear micro-ring resonator: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS,(2018-65)
- Nasrollah Karampour, Najmeh Nozhat: Infrared-Visible Ultra-Wide Band Polarization-Independent Metamaterial Absorber Utilizing Low Conductivity ?-Shaped Element: Plasmonics,(2018-13)
- Reza Rashiditabar, Najmeh Nozhat, : Tunable Plasmonic Absorber Based on TiN-Nanosphere Liquid Crystal Hybrid in Visible and Near-Infrared Regions: Plasmonics,(2018-13)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Ehsan Zareian: Improving the directivity of the plasmonic sectoral horn nanoantenna using lens in its aperture: ,(2018-9)
- , Najmeh Nozhat: Improvement of the bulk sensitivity and FoM of the plasmonic nanodipole antenna array: ,(2018-9)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Hamid Alikomak, Maryam Khodadadi: All-optical XOR and NAND logic gates based on plasmonic nanoparticles: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2017-392)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Reza Rashiditabar: Tunable graphene based plasmonic absorber with grooved metal film in near infrared region: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2017-398)
- Nasrollah Karampour, Najmeh Nozhat: Ultra-wideband polarization insensitive UT-shaped metamaterial absorber: Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications,(2017-24)
- Najmeh Nozhat: Tunable terahertz plasmon-induced transparency with aperture-side-coupled disk resonators: OPTICAL ENGINEERING,(2017-56)
- , Najmeh Nozhat: Plasmonic nanodipole antenna array with extra arms for sensing applications: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,(2016-33)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Reza Rashiditabar: Improving the absorption of a plasmonic absorber using a single layer of graphene at telecommunication wavelengths: APPLIED OPTICS,(2016-55)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: Binary PSO algorithm assisted to investigate the optical AND gate based- plasmonic nano-rods: JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,(2016-18)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: All-optical logic gates based on nonlinear plasmonic ring resonators: APPLIED OPTICS,(2015-54)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Farzin Emami: High contrast all-optical logic gates based on 2D nonlinear photonic crystal: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2015-355)
- Farzin Emami, , Najmeh Nozhat: Binary optimization of gold nano-rods for designing an optical modulator: Journal of Computational Electronics,(2015-14)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Farzin Emami: High-speed optical FSK demodulator using plasmonic nanorods: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS,(2015-62)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: Location effect on gold nano bi-domes based absorption coefficient: OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,(2015-47)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: Coupling coefficient increment and free spectral range decrement by proper design of microring resonator parameters: OPTICAL ENGINEERING,(2014-53)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: TLBO algorithm assisted for designing plasmonic nano particles based absorption coefficient: Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications,(2014-8)
- , Najmeh Nozhat, Farzin Emami: Investigating the Optical Switch Using Dimer Plasmonic Nano-Rods: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,(2014-13)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: All-optical nonlinear plasmonic ring resonator switches: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS,(2014-61)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: Binary TLBO algorithm assisted for designing plasmonic nano bi-pyramids-based absorption coefficient: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS,(2014-61)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: SPM and XPM nonlinear effects in plasmonic directional couplers considering the ponderomotive metal nonlinearity: APPLIED OPTICS,(2014-53)
- , Farzin Emami, Najmeh Nozhat: The Effects of Various Apodization Functions on the Filtering Characteristics of the Grating-Assisted SOI Strip Waveguides: Journal of the Optical Society of Korea,(2014-18)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: Switching Power Reduction of the Plasmonic Directional Coupler by XPM Nonlinear Effect: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,(2012-24)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: Switching power reduction in the ultra-compact Kerr nonlinear plasmonic directional coupler: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2012-285)
- Najmeh Nozhat, Nosrat Granpayeh: Analysis of the plasmonic power splitter and MUX/DEMUX suitable for photonic integrated circuits: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2011-284)
- Najmeh Nozhat, R. C. McPhedran, C. M. de Sterke, Nosrat Granpayeh: The plasmonic folded directional coupler: Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications,(2011-9)
- زهرا ناصحي گشوئيه, نجمه نزهت: فيلتر رنگي كاهشي بازتابنده مقاوم در مقابل تغييرات زاويه تابش با استفاده از فراسطح دي اكسيد تيتانيوم و آينه هاي آلومينيومي: مهندسي برق و مهندسي كامپيوتر ايران,(1399-18)