- Javid Norouzi, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Alireza Liaghat, Habibollah Danyali: Beyond outlier removal: Integrated ensemble matching for accurate image keypoint correspondence: KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS,(2025-316)
- Shirin Hassanzadeh, Habibollah Danyali, Azam Karami, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: A novel graph-based multiple kernel learning framework for hyperspectral image classification: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,(2024-45)
- Javid Norouzi, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Alireza Liaghat, Habibollah Danyali: A deep-based approach for multi-descriptor feature extraction: Applications on SAR image registration: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,(2024-254)
- Amir hossein Moadeli, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Hossein Rahnema: A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Seismic Full Waveform Inversion for Coastal Subsurface Exploration: International Journal of Coastal, Offshore and Environmental Engineering,(2024-0)
- Negar Noorizadeh, Kamran Kazemi, Seyedeh Masoumeh Taji, Habibollah Danyali, Ardalan Aarabi: Subject-specific atlas for automatic brain tissue segmentation of neonatal magnetic resonance images: Scientific Reports,(2024-14)
- Shirin Hassanzadeh, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Hyperspectral Images Classification based on Multiple Kernel Learning using SWT and KMNF with Few Training Samples: Journal of Spatial Science,(2023-68)
- Mohammad Ali Alavian Mehr, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Ashkan Tashk: Butterfly network: a convolutional neural network with a new architecture for multi?scale semantic segmentation of pedestrians: Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,(2023-20)
- Alireza Liaghat, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Javid Norouzi, Habibollah Danyali: Airborne SAR to Optical Image Registration Based on SAR Georeferencing and Deep Learning Approach: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,(2023-23)
- Mehrdokht Bordbar, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Fardad Ejtehadi: Wireless capsule endoscopy multiclass classification using three-dimensional deep convolutional neural network model: Biomedical Engineering Online,(2023-22)
- Reyhane Ghaffari, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Abbas Khosravi, Kamran Kazemi, Habibollah Danyali, Leszek Rutkowski: Toward domain adaptation with open-set target data: Review of theory and computer vision applications: Information Fusion,(2023-100)
- Mohammad Ali Manouchehri Ardakani, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Temporal Rumor Blocking in Online Social Networks: A Sampling-Based Approach: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,(2022-52)
- Alireza Ghaemi, Habibollah Danyali, Kamran Kazemi: Reversible Data Hiding in Encryption Domain Based on Two Dimensional Histogram Shifting and Secure Encryption System: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,(2022-81)
- Shirin Hassanzadeh, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Combined Spatial-Spectral Schroedinger Eigenmaps with Multiple Kernel Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a Low Number of Training Samples: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,(2022-48)
- Mohammad Ali Manouchehri Ardakani, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Non-Uniform Influence Blocking Maximization in social network: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,(2022-207)
- Alireza Ghaemi, Habibollah Danyali, Kamran Kazemi: Simple, robust and secure data hiding based on CRT feature extraction and closed-loop chaotic encryption system: Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,(2021-18)
- Navid Daneshmandpour, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Region-based scalable self-recovery for salient-object images: ETRI JOURNAL,(2021-43)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Reyhaneh Ghaffari Darani: Fully Statistical, Wavelet-based conditional random field (FSWCRF) for SAR image segmentation: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,(2021-168)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: A deep learning approach for mitosis detection: Application in tumor proliferation prediction from whole slide images: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE,(2021-114)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: A new conditional random field based on mixture of generalized Gaussian model for synthetic aperture radar image segmentation: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,(2021-42)
- Rozita Rastghalam, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, M. Emre Celebi, Mojgan Mokhtari: Skin Melanoma Detection in Microscopic Images Using HMM-Based Asymmetric Analysis and Expectation Maximization: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,(2021-25)
- Mohammad Ali Manouchehri Ardakani, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: A Theoretically Guaranteed Approach to Efficiently Block the Influence of Misinformation in Social Networks: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems,(2021-8)
- Sanaz Karimi Jafarbigloo, Habibollah Danyali: Nuclear atypia grading in breast cancer histopathological images based on CNN feature extraction and LSTM classification: CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology,(2021-6)
- Mahshid Fouladi Vanda, Kamran Kazemi, Malek Makki, Maedeh Khalilian, Habibollah Danyali, Judit Gervain, Ardalan Aarabi: Multi-scale structural rich-club organization of the brain in full-term newborns: a combined DWI and fMRI study: Journal of Neural Engineering,(2021-18)
- Reyhaneh Ghaffari Darani, , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: A fast, weighted CRF algorithm based on two-step superpixel generation for SAR image segmentation: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,(2020-41)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Nonsubsampled contourlet transform-based conditional random field for SAR images segmentation: SIGNAL PROCESSING,(2020-174)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Houshang Amiri: Fast T2 mapping using multi-echo spin-echo MRI: A linear order approach: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE,(2020-84)
- JAVAD AFSHAR JAHANSHAHI, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Compressive sensing based the multi-channel ECG reconstruction in wireless body sensor networks: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,(2020-61)
- Negar Noorizadeh, Kamran Kazemi, Habibollah Danyali, Abbas Babajani-Feremi, Ardalan Aarabi: Multi-atlas based neonatal brain extraction using atlas library clustering and local label fusion: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,(2020-79)
- , Kamran Kazemi, Sepideh Sefidbakht, Habibollah Danyali: Reliable Estimation of the Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion Parameters of Brain Diffusion Imaging Using ?-Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization: Radioengineering,(2020-29)
- Navid Daneshmandpour, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Scalable Image Self-Embedding Based on Dual-Rate SPIHT-LDPC Reference Generation Scheme: Radioengineering,(2019-27)
- Negar Noorizadeh, Kamran Kazemi, Habibollah Danyali, Ardalan Aarabi: Multi-atlas based neonatal brain extraction using a two-level patch-based label fusion strategy: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,(2019-54)
- JAVAD AFSHAR JAHANSHAHI, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: A Modified Compressed Sensing-Based Recovery Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks: Radioengineering,(2019-28)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Reversible robust data hiding based on wavelet filters modification: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,(2019-78)
- Navid Daneshmandpour, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Image tamper detection and multi-scale self-recovery using reference embedding with multi-rate data protection: China Communications,(2019-16)
- Navid Daneshmandpour, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Multi-rate reference embedding for highly-scalable self-recovery using fuzzy mamdani: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS,(2019-37)
- Farshad Rezaie, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: No-reference image quality assessment using local binary pattern in the wavelet domain: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,(2018-77)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Non-unit mapped radial moments platform for robust geometric invariant image watermarking and reversible data hiding: INFORMATION SCIENCES,(2018-447)
- Elham Kordi Ghasrodashti, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images using wavelet transform and hidden Markov random fields: Geocarto International,(2018-33)
- JAVAD AFSHAR JAHANSHAHI, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: A Distributed Compressed Sensing-based Algorithm for the Joint Recovery of Signal Ensemble: Radioengineering,(2018-27)
- Fatemeh Nourilenjan Nokabadi, Kamran Kazemi, Habibollah Danyali: Salient object detection using local global and high contrast graphs: Signal Image and Video Processing,(2018-12)
- Fatemeh Nourilenjan Nokabadi, Kamran Kazemi, Habibollah Danyali: Salient object detection method using random graph: MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,(2018-77)
- Zeinab Moshavash, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: An Automatic and Robust Decision Support System for Accurate Acute Leukemia Diagnosis from Blood Microscopic Images: JOURNAL OF DIGITAL IMAGING,(2018-31)
- Niloofar Borzooie, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Modified Density-Based Data Clustering for Interactive Liver Segmentation: Journal of Image and Graphics,(2018-6)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammed Ghanbari: Subjectively correlated estimation of noise due to blurriness distortion based on auto-regressive model using the YuleWalker equations: IET Image Processing,(2018-12)
- Elham Kordi Ghasrodashti, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: Sparse-Based Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Extended Hidden Markov Random Fields: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,(2018-11)
- Shima Tajeddini, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, : The Participation of Three Brain Tissues in Alzheimer's disease Diagnosis from Structural MRI: journal of information and communication technology,(2018-9)
- Shima Tajeddini, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, : The Participation of Three Brain Tissues in Alzheimer's disease Diagnosis from Structural MR: ,(2018-9)
- Amir Ansari, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: HS remote sensing image restoration using fusion with MS images by EM algorithm: IET Signal Processing,(2017-11)
- Elham Kordi Ghasrodashti, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali: A wavelet-based classification of hyperspectral images using Schroedinger eigenmaps: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,(2017-38)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Alireza Shakibafard: Staging of Fatty Liver Diseases Based on Hierarchical Classification and Feature Fusion for Back-Scan Converted Ultrasound Images: ULTRASONIC IMAGING,(2017-39)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Maximized Inter-Class Weighted Mean for Fast and Accurate Mitosis Cells Detection in Breast Cancer Histopathology Images: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS,(2017-41)
- JAVAD AFSHAR JAHANSHAHI, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: A Scheme for Joint Signal Reconstruction in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks: The International Journal of Multimedia and Its Applications,(2017-9)
- Alaleh Alivar, Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: Hierarchical classification of normal fatty and heterogeneous liver diseases from ultrasound images using serial and parallel feature fusion: Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,(2016-36)
- Ali Akbari, Habibollah Danyali, Maria Tracon, Bertrand Granado: Error Concealment Using Data Hiding in Wireless Image Transmission: Telfor Journal,(2016-8)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush: An Improved Method for Liver Diseases Detection by Ultrasound Image Analysis: Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors,(2015-5)
- Ashkan Tashk, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Mojgan Akbarzadeh-jahromi: Automatic detection of breast cancer mitotic cells based on the combination of textural statistical and innovative mathematical features: APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING,(2015-39)
- Ashkan Tashk, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Mojgan Akbarzadeh: A Computer-Aided System for Automatic Mitosis Detection from Breast Cancer Histological Slide Images based on Stiffness Matrix and Feature Fusion: Current Bioinformatics,(2015-10)
- Hamed Ghodrati Asbfroshani, Mohammadjavad Dehghani, Habibollah Danyali: A new accurate noise-removing approach for non-cooperative iris recognition: Signal Image and Video Processing,(2014-8)
- , Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, : Robust watermarking against geometric attacks using partial calculation of radial moments and interval phase modulation: INFORMATION SCIENCES,(2014-269)
- Fatemeh Ghofrani, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Kamran Kazemi: Improving the performance of machine learning algorithms using fuzzy-based features for medical x-ray image classification: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS,(2014-27)
- Ashkan Tashk, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Habibollah Danyali, Mojgan Akbarzadeh: A Novel CAD System for Mitosis detection Using Histopathology Slide Images: Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors,(2014-4)
- , Habibollah Danyali, Sadegh Samadi: Progressive SAR Image Compression Using Low Complexity Bandlet Transform and Modified EZBC: Journal of Electrical systems and signals,(2014-2)
- Mehran Deljavan Amiri, Habibollah Danyali, Bahram Zahir-Azami, Fardin Akhlaghian Tab: Adaptive scalable and robust watermarking for wavelet-based progressive image transmission: IMAGING SCIENCE JOURNAL,(2013-61)
- Hamed Ghodrati Asbfroshani, Mohammadjavad Dehghani, Habibollah Danyali: Shape Adaptive, Robust Iris Feature Extraction from Noisy Iris Images: Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors,(2013-3)
- Hamed Ghodrati Asbfroshani, Mohammadjavad Dehghani, Habibollah Danyali: Two Approaches Based on Genetic Algorithm to Generate Short Iris Codes: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications,(2012-8)
- Habibollah Danyali, Alfred Mertins: Flexible highly scalable object-based wavelet image compression algorithm for network applications: IEE PROCEEDINGS-VISION IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,(2004-151)
- سيد امير حمدي, حبيب اله دانيالي, محمدصادق هل فروش, مرضيه زارع: فشرده سازي مقياسپذير تصاوير رادار روزنه تركيبي بر اساس اصلاح الگوريتمEZBC با كمك تبديل موجك بسته اي: رادار,(1395-3)
- عليرضا ابراهيمي نيا, محمدصادق هل فروش, حبيب اله دانيالي: ناحيه بندي و كاهش همزمان نويز تصاوير SAR با استفاده از روش سطوح همتراز: رادار,(1393-2)