- SAEED HASANVAND, Hosein Sobhani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mohammad-Hassan Khooban: Optimal Design of Battery Energy Storage System Controllers for Damping Low Frequency Oscillations: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH,(2025-2025)
- Habib Behnamnia, Mohammad Mardaneh, Ehsan Jamshidpour, Amirhossein Rajaei: Broken Rotor Bar Detection in Three-phase Induction Motor Based on Multinomial Identity of Stator Current: Scientia Iranica,(2024-0)
- Mahla Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mohammadhossein Shafiei, SAEED HASANVAND: Super twisting sliding mode controller for multi-functional grid-connected inverter in PV system: Archives of Electrical Engineering,(2024-1)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Eslahchi, Zhaleh Hashemi: Extended Boost Switched-Embedded-Capacitor-Inductor ZSI with Low Voltage Stress on Capacitors and Soft-Start Capability: IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH,(2023-69)
- Masoud Jokar Kouhanjani, Sina Soltani, Mohammad Mardaneh: Generalized state space model and small signal stability analysis of Z-source converter: Archives of Electrical Engineering,(2023-72)
- Seyede Zahra Tajalli, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mazaher Karimi: A multi-agent privacy preserving energy management framework for renewable networked microgrids: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,(2023-17)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei, Ali Nabi Nezhad, Ehsan Jamshidpour, Philippe Poure: Symmetric Wide-Input-Voltage Range Boost Z-Source DC-DC Converter With Reduced Current of Source and Active Components: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,(2023-38)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Eshan Jamshidpour: High Gain PWM Method and Active Switched Boost Z-source Inverter With Less Voltage Stress on the Devices: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,(2022-37)
- Seyede Zahra Tajalli, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Mohammad Mardaneh, Abbas Khosravi, Roozbeh Razavi-Far: Uncertainty-Aware Management of Smart Grids Using Cloud-Based LSTM-Prediction Interval: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,(2022-52)
- Mohammad Reza Mohammad Pour, Amirhossein Eslahchi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mohammad Reza Moslemi, Zhale Hashemi: Performance Improvement of a Grid-connected Voltage Source Converter Controlled by Parabolic PWM Current Control Scheme: Scientia Iranica,(2022-29)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Ebrahim Babaei: Active-switched boost quasi-Z-source inverter with few components: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,(2021-103)
- Vahid Zamani faradonbeh, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh, Samad Taghipour Boroujeni: Analytical Modeling of Flux-Reversal Permanent-Magnet Machines: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION,(2021-36)
- Zohreh Dalirani Ganharani, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh: Analytical Calculations of Electromagnetic Quantities for Wound Rotor Salient-Pole Synchronous Machines: COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,(2021-40)
- Alireza Hosseinpour, Mohammad Mardaneh, Akbar Rahideh: Two-dimensional analytical model for double field excitation synchronous machines: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,(2021-15)
- Seyede Zahra Tajalli, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Mohammad Mardaneh: Multi-agent-based optimal power scheduling of shipboard power systems: Sustainable Cities and Society,(2021-74)
- , Mohammad Mardaneh, Mokhtar Shasadeghi: A new topology of the switched-inductor/capacitor quasi Z-source inverter with ability of uplifted-boost: international journal of industrial electronics, control and optimization,(2020-3)
- , Mohammad Mardaneh: Improved Symmetric Switched-Inductor/Capacitor Quasi Z-Source Inverter with Ability Uplifted-Boost: international journal of industrial electronics, control and optimization,(2020-3)
- Ali Nabi Nezhad, Amirhossein Rajaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: A Systematic Approach to Extract State Space Averaged Equations and Small Signal Model of Partial Power Converters: IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,(2020-8)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Majid Ghani varzaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei: Modified diode-assisted quasi-ZSI with reduced voltage stress on diodes and capacitors: EPE JOURNAL,(2020-30)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Om P Malik: FOA:Following'Optimization Algorithm for solving Power engineering optimization problems: Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering,(2020-8)
- Seyede Zahra Tajalli, Mohammad Mardaneh, Elaheh Tahetian Fard, Afshin Izadian, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Morteza Dabbaghjamanesh, Taher Niknam: DoS-Resilient Distributed Optimal Scheduling in a Fog Supporting IIoT-based Smart Microgrid: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,(2020-56)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Om Parkash Malik, Josep M. Guerrero, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza, José Matas, Abdullah Abusorrah: Energy Commitment for a Power System Supplied by Multiple Energy Carriers System using Following Optimization Algorithm: Applied Sciences-Basel,(2020-10)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Josep M. Guerrero, Om Parkash Malik, Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza, José Matas, Juan C. Vasquez, Lizeth Parra-Arroyo: A New "Doctor and Patient" Optimization Algorithm: An Application to Energy Commitment Problem: Applied Sciences-Basel,(2020-10)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Josep Guerrero, O. Malik, Vijay Kumar: Football Game Based Optimization: an Application to Solve Energy Commitment Problem: International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,(2020-13)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Ayman Ayad, Ralph Kennel: Wide CCM Region Modulation Technique With Low Current Ripples for Impedance Source Inverters: IET Power Electronics,(2020-13)
- , Mohammad Mardaneh: Uplifted-Boost switched-Inductor/Capacitor Quasi Z-Source Inverter: IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine,(2020-15)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Om P. Malik, Josep M. Guerrero, Carlos Sotelo, David Sotelo, Morteza Nazari-Heris, Kamal Al-Haddad, Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza: Genetic Algorithm for Energy Commitment in a Power System Supplied by Multiple Energy Carriers: Sustainability(Switzerland),(2020-12)
- Fatemeh Ebadi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Akbar Rahideh, N. Bianchi: Analytical Energy-Based Approaches for Cogging Torque Calculation in Surface-Mounted PM Motors: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,(2019-55)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Eslahchi: Extended-Boost Embedded Switched-Capacitor-Inductor Z-Source Inverter with Low Voltage Stress on Capacitors: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engineering,(2019-43)
- Fatemeh Ebadi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Akbar Rahideh: Inductance analytical calculations of brushless surface-mounted permanent-magnet machines based on energy method: COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,(2019-38)
- Zhale Hashemi, Fateme Zohrabi, Mohammad Mardaneh: A Multi-objective Optimization of Switched Reluctance Motor using a Hybrid Analytic-ANFIS Model Considering the Vibrations: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engineering,(2019-43)
- Mohammad Reza Mojdehipoor, Mohammad Mardaneh: Performance Comparison of Synchronous Reference Frame-Based PLLs Topologies Under Power Quality Disturbances: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engineering,(2019-43)
- Majid Ghani varzaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Dual-source inverter for hybrid PV-FC application: SN Applied Sciences,(2019-1)
- Alireza Hoseinpour, Mohammad Mardaneh, Akbar Rahideh: Investigation of the Effects of Different Magnetization Patterns on the Performance of Series Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines: Progress in Electromagnetics Research M,(2018-64)
- Meisam Pour Ahmadi Nakhli, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh: Analytical 2-D Model of Slotted Brushless Machines With Cubic Spoke-Type Permanent Magnets: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION,(2018-33)
- Amirhossein Rajaei, , , Mohammad Mardaneh, Mohsen Gitizadeh-Haghighi: A Dual Inductor High Step-up DC/DC Converter Based on the Cockcroft-Walton Multiplier: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,(2018-33)
- Fariba Shakibapour, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh: 2D analytical model for heteropolar active magnetic bearings considering eccentricity: IET Electric Power Applications,(2018-12)
- Milad Abbasi Shahabi, Amirhossein Eslahchi, Mohammad Mardaneh: Two Symmetric Extended-Boost Embedded Switched-Inductor Quasi-Z-Source Inverter With Reduced Ripple Continuous Input Current: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,(2018-65)
- Jamshid Aghaei, , Mohammad Mardaneh, Miadreza Shafie-khah, Joao Catalao: Transmission switching demand response and energy storage systems in an innovative integrated scheme for managing the uncertainty of wind power generation: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER and ENERGY SYSTEMS,(2018-98)
- Mohammad Dehghani, Mohammad Mardaneh, Zeinab MontazeriMontazeriMontazeri, A. Ehsanifar, M.J. Ebadi, O. M. Grechko: SPRING SEARCH ALGORITHM FOR SIMULTANEOUS PLACEMENT OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND CAPACITORS: Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics,(2018-2018)
- Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Hossein Moayed Jahromi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Frederic Dubas, Theodosios Korakianitis: Analytical Calculations of Electromagnetic Quantities for Slotted Brushless Machines with Surface-Inset Magnets: Progress in Electromagnetics Research B,(2017-72)
- , Jamshid Aghaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Securing highly penetrated wind energy systems using linearized transmission switching mechanism: APPLIED ENERGY,(2017-190)
- , Mohammad Mardaneh, Jamshid Aghaei, Victoria Guerrero-Mestre, Javier Contreras: Flexible power system operation accommodating uncertain wind power generation using transmission topology control an improved linearised AC SCUC model: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,(2017-11)
- Akbar Rahideh, Amir Abbas Vahaj, Mohammad Mardaneh, Thierry Lubin: Two-dimensional analytical investigation of the parameters and the effects of magnetisation patterns on the performance of coaxial magnetic gears: IET Electrical Systems in Transportation,(2017-7)
- , Jamshid Aghaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Optimal transmission switching in the stochastic linearised SCUC for uncertainty management of the wind power generation and equipment failures: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,(2017-11)
- , Jamshid Aghaei, Mohammad Mardaneh, Taher Niknam, Vahid Vahidinasab: Moving Beyond the Optimal Transmission Switching Stochastic Linearized SCUC for the Integration of Wind Power Generation and Equipment Failures Uncertainties: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,(2017-12)
- Azam Bagheri, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei, Akbar Rahideh: Detection of Grid Voltage Fundamental and Harmonic Components Using Kalman Filter and Generalized Averaging Method: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,(2016-31)
- Sam Teymoori, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Hossein Moayed Jahromi, Mohammad Mardaneh: 2-D Analytical Magnetic Field Prediction for Consequent-Pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,(2016-52)
- Hamid Reza Massrur, Taher Niknam, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei: Harmonic Elimination in Multilevel Inverters Under Unbalanced Voltages and Switching Deviation Using a New Stochastic Strategy: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,(2016-12)
- Mohammad Hossein Moayed Jahromi, Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh: 2-D Analytical Model for External Rotor Brushless PM Machines: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION,(2016-31)
- , Jamshid Aghaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Managing the risk of uncertain wind power generation in flexible power systems using information gap decision theory: ENERGY,(2016-114)
- Jamshid Aghaei, , Pierluigi Siano, Majid Nayeripour, Alireza Heidari, Mohammad Mardaneh: Exploring the reliability effects on the short term AC security-constrained unit commitment A stochastic evaluation: ENERGY,(2016-114)
- Zhale Hashemi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Samad Taghipour Boroujeni: A Dynamic and Heuristic Phase Balancing Method for LV Feeders: Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing,(2016-2016)
- Mokhtar Shasadeghi, Mostafa Rezaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Affine parallel distributed compensator design for affine fuzzy systems via fuzzy Lyapunov function: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,(2015-37)
- Mohsen Shid Pilehvar, Mohammad Mardaneh: Phase-shift control and harmonics elimination for H-bridge Z-source inverter: IET Power Electronics,(2015-8)
- Mohsen Shid Pilehvar, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei: Formulation of phase voltage and calculation of its total harmonic distortion in multilevel Z-source inverter: IET Power Electronics,(2015-8)
- Mohsen Shid Pilehvar, Mohammad Mardaneh, Amirhossein Rajaei: An Analysis on the Main Formulas of Z-Source Inverter: Scientia Iranica,(2015-22)
- Azam Bagheri, Mohammad Mardaneh: Fuzzy logic-based technique for enhancement of kalman filter based PLL: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS,(2015-28)
- Naeim Najafi, Amirhossein Rajaei, Mohammad Mardaneh: Design and analysis of energy transfer system through Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) connected to a solar panel: CIENCIA E NATURA,(2015-37)
- Mehdi Taghizadeh, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mokhtar Shasadeghi: A new method of voltage and frequency control in isolated microgrids using enhanced droop controller optimized by frog algorithm: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,(2014-6)
- Mehdi Taghizadeh, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mokhtar Shasadeghi: Frequency control of a new topology in proton exchange membrane fuel cell/wind turbine/photovoltaic/ultra-capacitor/battery energy storage system based isolated networks by a novel intelligent controller: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,(2014-6)
- Akbar Rahideh, Mohammad Mardaneh, Theodosios Korakianitis: Analytical 2-D Calculations of Torque Inductance and Back-EMF for Brushless Slotless Machines With Surface Inset Magnets: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,(2013-49)
- Mohsen Gitizadeh-Haghighi, Mohsen Shid Pilehvar, Mohammad Mardaneh: A new method for SVC placement considering FSS limit and SVC investment cost: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER and ENERGY SYSTEMS,(2013-53)
- Mehdi Taghizadeh, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mokhtar Shasadeghi: Fuzzy based frequency control in an isolated network employing parallel operated fuel cell/ultra-capacitor systems: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,(2013-5)
- Mohammad Mardaneh, Faranak Golestaneh: Harmonic Optimization of Diode clamped Multilevel Inverter Using Teaching learning based Optimization Algorithm: IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH,(2013-59)
- Z. Hashemi, Mohammad Mardaneh, Mokhtar Shasadeghi: High performance controller for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive using artificial intelligence methods: Scientia Iranica,(2012-19)
- Mohsen Rakhshan, Mohammad Mehdi Mardani, Mokhtar Shasadeghi, Mohammad Mardaneh: Relaxed Stabilization Conditions via Sum of Squares Approach for the Nonlinear Polynomial Model: ,(2012-12)
- Mohammad Mardaneh, : Control Strategies for Flux Switching Motors in Low and High-Speed Ranges of Operations: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-IREE,(2009-4)
- صابر زارع, اميرحسين رجايي, محمد رضا خيراتي, محمد مردانه: يك ساختار جديد دو ورودي دو خروجي مبتني بر مبدل T-Source در كاربرد انرژي خورشيدي - باتري: مهندسي برق و مهندسي كامپيوتر ايران,(1399-18)