- Milad Peimani, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Harry B. Bingham: A 3D numerical investigation of the influence of the geometrical parameters of an I-beam attenuator OWC on its performance at the resonance period: ENERGY,(2024-286)
- Hooshang Sabahi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Dissipation of Solitary Wave Energy Using Elastic Seawall by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Mechanical Engineering,(2024-48)
- Sheida Rashidi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Numerical investigation of the response of the hybrid wave energy converter including oscillating water column and horizontal floating cylinder to irregular waves: ENERGY,(2024-301)
- Jafar Gerdabi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Novel dimensionless parameters in 2D wedge drop: Ships and Offshore Structures,(2024-19)
- Ali Hesami, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Towards development and optimization of the Savonius wind turbine incorporated with a wind-lens: ENERGY,(2023-274)
- Meysam Shahabi Nejad, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: A comprehensive investigation of a hybrid wave energy converter including oscillating water column and horizontal floating cylinder: ENERGY,(2022-243)
- Ali Hesami, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Mohamed H. Mohamed: Feasibility study of twin-rotor Savonius wind turbine incorporated with a wind-lens: OCEAN ENGINEERING,(2022-247)
- Jafar Gerdabi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, : The behaviour of time-independent non-Newtonian fluids in an impact problem of a wedge using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method: PROGRESS IN COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS,(2022-22)
- Jafar Gerdabi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, : INVESTIGATING DIFFERENT WCSPH DISCRETIZATION METHODS USED FOR WEDGE IMPACT PROBLEMS: International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research,(2022-49)
- Seyed Ali Taherian Haghighi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Mohammad Hayati Galeh Zan Oghri: Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic performance of a dual-chamber Oscillating Water Column: ENERGY,(2021-221)
- Jafar Gerdabi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, : Extraction of New Applicable Dimensionless Relations in the Wedge Impact Problem Using WCSPH Method: European Journal of Computational Mechanics,(2021-30)
- Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Harry B. Bingham: A Numerical Investigation of Gap and Shape Effects on a 2D Plunger-Type Wave Maker: Journal of Marine Science and Application,(2020-19)
- Mohammad Hayati Galeh Zan Oghri, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Seyed Ali Taherian Haghighi: Sequential optimization of the geometrical parameters of an OWC device based on the specific wave characteristics: RENEWABLE ENERGY,(2020-161)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: 2DOF numerical investigation of a planing vessel in head sea waves in deep and shallow water conditions: APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,(2019-82)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Drag Optimization of A Planing Vessel Based on the Stability Criteria Limits: CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,(2019-33)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Effects of Lorentz force and induced electrical field on the thermal performance of a magnetic nanofluid-filled cubic cavity: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,(2018-252)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Numerical investigation of added resistance and wave pattern on a planing vessel in regular head waves: International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and SImulation,(2018-10)
- Ali Paziresh, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Hashem Moradi: Wing-Body and Vertical Tail Interference Effects on Downwash Rate of the Horizontal Tail in Subsonic Flow: JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING,(2017-30)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Comparison of numerical solution and semi-empirical formulas to predict the effects of important design parameters on porpoising region of a planing vessel: APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,(2017-68)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Neumann and Robin boundary conditions for heat conduction modeling using smoothed particle hydrodynamics: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,(2016-198)
- Amir Hossein Nikseresht, : Numerical investigation of shallow water resistance of a planing vessel: International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering,(2016-3)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Comparison of ISPH and WCSPH methods to solve fluid-structure intraction problems: Scientia Iranica,(2016-23)
- Z. Ghadampour, M.R. Hashemi, N. Talebbeydokhti, S.P. Neill, Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Some numerical aspects of modelling flow around hydraulic structures using incompressible SPH: COMPUTERS and MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS,(2015-69)
- Hashem Moradi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Alireza Mostofizadeh: Investigation of Keel Curvature Effect on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a V-Shaped Planing Surface: International Journal of Maritime Technology,(2015-3)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Reza Mehryar: Numerical analysis of two and three dimensional buoyancy driven water-exit of a circular cylinder: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,(2014-6)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Numerical simulation of unsteady 3D cavitating flows over axisymmetric cavitators: Scientia Iranica,(2012-19)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Thermal performance and pressure drop analysis of nanofluids in turbulent forced convective flows: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,(2012-60)
- Hossein Khorshidi, Amir Hossein Nikseresht, Nasser Talebbeydokhti: Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Cavitation and Aeration System in Dam Outlets: JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,(2012-134)
- , Amir Hossein Nikseresht: Investigation of the different base fluid effects on the nanofluids heat transfer and pressure drop: HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,(2011-47)
- Amir Hossein Nikseresht, M.M. Alishahi, H. Emdad: Complete flow field computation around an ACV (air-cushion vehicle) using 3D VOF with Lagrangian propagation in computational domain: COMPUTERS and STRUCTURES,(2008-86)
- سيد جليل اثني عشري, حسن فروزاني, امير حسين نيك سرشت: تعيين تابع تبديل سيستم موج ساز يك حوضچه كشش: هيدروفيزيك,(1402-9)
- جعفر گردابي, امير حسين نيك سرشت: شبيه سازي دو بعدي برخورد گوه به سيال نيوتني و سيال غيرنيوتني از نوع هرشل بالكلي- دايالتنت با استفاده از روش WCSPH: مهندسي مكانيك مدرس,(1397-18)
- سيد جعفر روزگار, نبي جهانداري, امير حسين نيك سرشت: شبيه سازي عددي و مطالعه پارامتري شريان اتساع پذير آئورت: نشريه پژوهشي مهندسي مكانيك ايران,(1396-19)
- هوشنگ صباحي, امير حسين نيك سرشت, سيد جعفر روزگار: استفاده ازيك نيروي مانع ساده براي شبيه سازي عبور جريان از زير يك دريچه ي هايپوالاستيك به كمك روش هيدروديناميك ذرات هموار: هيدروليك,(1393-9)
- هوشنگ صباحي, امير حسين نيك سرشت, سيد جعفر روزگار: استفاده از يك نيروي مانع ساده براي شبيه سازي عبور جريان از زير يك دريچه هايپوالاستيك به كمك روش هيدروديناميك ذرات هموار: هيدروليك,(1393-9)
- حسين قاضي زاده احسائي, امير حسين نيك سرشت: : ,(1392-27)